
I published “YOUR FIRST WEBSITE” in a series of Lindedin posts for my followers. After that I received requests to do a follow up series on how to turn that site into a money site.

We really shouldn’t turn that first site into a money site for several reasons.

  • First, that site was intended to be a personal site for your blogging and testing out themes and plugins. A place to test things out before going live with them.
  • Second, your money site should have a Domain Name that reflects the market niche you are going after, not your personal name.
  • Third, it’s easier and wiser to create a new site than it is to re-engineer the one you just created.

So I wrote another series of LinkedIn tips to show how to create a money site from scratch. You’ll find them here as Tip200 through Tip295.

Now we need to do this the right way and also start from scratch. Besides, short cuts are short lived. Keep in mind that it is only going to cost you the price of a $10-$15 Domain Name, since this will be an Add-On Domain under your first domain. That way there is no monthly hosting fee.

When I did this on Linkedin it was “LIVE” in order to show my followers than you can actually find a Niche to serve in a saturated market, get it to Page 1 of Google and make sales. Remember that re-publishing this series on my blog might seem a little strange at times because we are looking at things through a rear view mirror.

Okay……..Lets get on with Niche Selection.

In interweb service, friendship, and business,

Tom (TR) Ryan

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